Guanajuato: A city of tunnels
During my stay in Mexico, every one of my friends always tells me: “Hey Henry, you should seriously go to San Miguel one day. It is one...
Grutas de Garcia & Downtown exploration
What turned out to be just a calm and relaxing Sunday, became a day full of events and adventure. Every single Sunday in San Pedro,...
Guadalajara: Keep drinking tequila
My weekend trip to Guadalajara was quite interesting. When I left work on Friday, I immediately went to the airport, took the flight and...
Mexican cultural differences
After staying in Mexico for a week, I have noticed some key notable cultural differences. While I may not be able to list down all the...
What is Piñata?
A lot of people may have heard of Piñata, but what exactly is it? Piñatas are containers made of cloth or paper, where they are filled...
Teotihuacan: The great ancient civilization
Today is a big day because I'm finally able to go to Mexico City's number one attraction: Teotihuacan. In the afternoon, I got picked up...
Exploration maniac in Mexico City
After finishing some paper work at my company in the morning, I met a bunch of expats in my company that came from different parts of the...
Hola Mexico!
I got sent by my company to work in Monterrey, Mexico for a few months. The opportunity is definitely great because it means I have...