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Venice: The City of Canals

Day 9

Most of the time is spent on traveling from Florence to Venice. When we arrived at Venice, it was very late and we took the water taxi to our hostel and called it a day.

Day 10

Surprisingly, Venice does not really smell! When I think about a city built under water canals, I was expecting a certain type of smell - the smell that I would expect from a sewage. Luckily, Venice's water canal system is well maintained and the water flow is able to keep the dirt flush through to the ocean. Due to the nature of the city, a popular transportation to navigate is using the water taxi. If you don't mind getting lost or feeling an adventure to conquer the city zone, you are also welcome to tackle down a maze of alleys.

A popular thing to do in Venice would be to take a Gondola Ride. However, before making the decision to hop on one those iconic rides, you must do your research and be prepared with the costs. A 45-min gondola ride can range from 80 euros to 100 euros. If the gondolier sings, that's an extra 15 euros. In my opinion, I think this is a tourist trap. I'd rather take on the water taxi to go through the canals, than pay this much money for a 45min gondola ride.

Towards the end, we walked to the famous Rialto bridge, which you can capture the beauty of Venice. As what a rookie-traveler would do, we had dinner right beside the Rialto bridge. We obviously overpaid for our meal (black squid noodle) and the meal didn't even taste good. Readers, please do not have your dinner near a landmark.

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Who is Henry Shew?

Henry is an avid traveler and a tax consultant by profession.


Walk In My Shew is started to document the travel stories and culture experienced in different countries.


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